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CEAM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Contributions are tax deductible.

Shaping the Future of Education with Parents and CEAM

The Future of Education will be shaped by people who care enough to set aside difference to support effective policies and innovations. Thank you for being someone who cares enough to see the big picture and recognize the critical role of parents in helping decision makers understand the day to day struggles of ordinary families and the systemic challenges that hamper institutional change for the benefit of children.

When you support CEAM you are supporting brave change makers willing to speak out and fight for their own children and for all Missouri students. Your gift in any amount will help CEAM accomplish its mission. To help paint a picture of where your support goes, here are some examples that demonstrate what it takes to build a statewide movement:

How your financial support helps shape the future of education in Missouri:

$10,000 - Will fund regional outreach in a key geography for a year including Kansas City region, St. Louis City region, Columbia/Jefferson City, or Springfield region.

$5,000 - Help build the movement and facilitate advocacy by underwriting CEAM’s core engagement technologies. After leading the charge to pass the MOScholars legislation, CEAM has spent the past two years helping both families and donors under the tax credit scholarship program.

  • Phone2Action - is a text-based call to action technology that allows CEAM to mobilize thousands of advocates at key moments.
  • NationBuilder - is CEAM’s data and communication center. With it, CEAM is able to maintain and sort the contact information and policy interests and concerns of our advocates. Personalized communication is central to engaging and maintaining our dedicated volunteer advocates.

$2,500 - website development and updating for websites like www.showmeschooloptions.org and www.missourivitualed.org. CEAM creates these policy-specific sites to ensure families can find the information they need in order to take advantage of new opportunities.

$1,000 - Parent Advocacy Training in four core areas. Support one session for $250.

  • tell your story 
  • using social media
  • navigating the capitol, and
  • understanding policy.

$750 - Advocate support. CEAM works with many families, including families with limited means. In order to open the door to advocacy, we make sure the financial considerations of being an advocate are eliminated.

  • Overnight accommodations
  • Auto rental
  • Fuel
  • Meals
  • Childcare

$500 - social media outreach. Social media has become an effective and cost effective avenue to raising awareness and engaging our audiences. $500 covers about a month of social media boosts and ads.

$250 - Family Crisis support. Our relationships with advocates are deep and real. When families face a crisis, large or small, they often call CEAM for help and guidance. Navigating a family crisis requires time and knowledge that our outreach team has.

$100 - Your gift is combined with others to support the critical needs of CEAM’s outreach and engagement efforts.


Who's donating

Charles Coln
Lisa Irwin Hunt
Dana Guetterman
Karen Mariani
Peter Adams
Kerry Casey
Kelly Garrett
Cynthia Peterson
John Long
Katharine Cella
Jen Hoyt
Michael Dierberg
Shonagh Clements
LaVanna Wrobley
Ken Niemann
Emma Lederman
Jeffrey Craig-Meyer